perm filename AGENDA[AM,DBL] blob sn#386213 filedate 1978-10-06 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	.NSECP(Control Structure)
C00006 00003	.SSEC(AM's Search)
C00018 00004	.SSEC(Constraining AM's Search)
C00024 00005	.SSEC(The Agenda)
C00025 00006	. SSSEC(Why an Agenda?)
C00030 00007	. SSSEC(Details of the Agenda scheme)
C00037 ENDMK
.NSECP(Control Structure)


`Objectively' given, `important' problems may arise [in math].
But even then the mathematician
is essentially free to take it or leave it and turn to something else, while
an `important' problem in [any other science] is usually a conflict, a contradiction,
which `must' be resolved. The mathematician has a wide choice of which way to turn,
and he enjoys a very considerable freedom in what he does. 

-- von Neumann



.if false then start;

AM is one of  those awkward programs whose representations  only make
sense  if you  already understand how  they will  be operated on.   A
discussion of AM's control structure (this chapter and the next) must
thus precede  a discussion of  concepts and how they  are represented
(Chapter  {[2]  KNOWL}).   Section  {[2]EXAM1}.{[2]REPRSUM}
gave  the  reader a
sufficient knowledge of AM's "anatomy" to follow these chapters. Thus
armed  with a  cursory knowledge  of the  "statics" of  AM,  we shall
proceed to describe in detail its "dynamics".


Section {SECNUM}.1 will give the  reader a feeling for the  immensity
of AM's search space. This is the "problem".  The next section will give the
top-level "solution":  the flow of control is  governed by a job-list,
an agenda of plausible tasks.   Section {SECNUM}.3 will present  some
details of this global control scheme.
Chapter {[2] HEURS} deals with  the way AM's heuristics operate; this
could be  viewed as the "low-level" or ⊗4local⊗* control structure of
.if false then start;
Chapter {[2] KNOWL} contains some detailed information about the
actual concepts  (and heuristics) AM  starts with, and  a little more
about their design and representation.  
The reader is also directed to
Appendix {[2] EXAM2}, which presents
several detailed examples of AM "in action".


.SSEC(AM's Search)


To develop mathematics, one must always labor to substitute ideas for

-- Dirichlet


Let's first spend a paragraph reviewing how  concepts are stored.  AM
contains a collection  of data structures, called ⊗4concepts⊗*.  Each
concept is meant to  coincide intuitively with one mathematical  idea
(e.g.,  Sets, Union,  Trichotomy).   As such,  a concept  has several
aspects  or  parts, called  ⊗4facets⊗* (e.g.,  Examples, Definitions,
Domain/range, Worth).    If you  wish  to think  of  a concept  as  a
"frame", then its facets are  "slots" to be filled in.  Each facet of
a concept will either be totally blank, or else will contain a  bunch
of ⊗4entries⊗*.   For example,  the Algorithms  facet of the  concept
Union may  point to several equivalent LISP  functions, each of which
can be used to  form the union of two  sets$$ The reasons for  having
multiple algorithms is that sometimes AM  will want one that is fast,
sometimes  AM will  be  more concerned  with economizing  on storage,
sometimes AM  will  want  to "analyze"  an  algorithm, and  for  that
purpose it  must be a very  un-optimized function, etc.   $. Even the
"heuristic rules" are merely entries on the appropriate kind of facet
(e.g., the entries on the Interest facet of the Structure concept are
rules for judging  the interestingness of Structures$$ A typical such
rule is: "A  structure is very  interesting if  all its elements  are
mildly interesting in precisely the same way." $).

At any moment,  AM contains a couple hundred concepts,  each of which
has  only  ⊗4some⊗* of  its facets  filled in.    AM starts  with 115
concepts, and  grows  to about  300 concepts  before  running out  of
time/space.   Most facets of most  concepts are totally  blank.  AM's
basic activity is to select some facet of some concept, and then  try
to fill in some  entries for that slot$$ This is  not quite complete.
In addition to  filling in entries for a given facet/concept pair, AM
may wish to check  it, split it up, reorganize  it, etc. $. Thus  the
primitive kind  of "⊗4task⊗*"  for AM  is to  deal with  a particular
facet/concept pair.  A typical task looks like this:


Check  the entries  on the  "Domain/range" facet of  the "Bag-Insert"


If the average concept has ten or twenty blank  facets, and there are
a  couple  hundred  concepts,   then  clearly  there  will  be  about
20x200=4000 "fill-in" type  tasks for  AM to  work on,  at any  given
moment.   If several  hundred facets  have recently  been filled  in,
there  will be that  many "check-entries"  type tasks available.   
Executing a task happens to take around ten or twenty cpu seconds,  so over the course of
a few hours
only a small percentage of these  tasks can ever be executed.$$ The precise
"18 seconds average"
figure is not important. All heuristic-search programs 
suffer this same
handicap: As the depth to which they've searched increases, the percentage of
nodes (at or above that level) which have been examined ↓_decreases_↓
exponentially (assuming the branching factor b is strictly larger than unity). 

Since most of these tasks  will never be explored, what will  make AM
appear smart -- or stupid -- are its choices of which task to pick at
each moment.$$ 
This is true of all heuristic search programs. The branchier the search,
the more it applies.
$ So it's worth AM's spending a nontrivial amount of time
deciding which task to execute next. On the other hand, it had better
not be ⊗4too⊗* much time, since a task does take only a dozen seconds.$$
The answer is that AM spends this "deciding" time not
just before a task is ⊗4picked⊗*, but rather each time a task is added to
the agenda. A little under 1 cpu second  is spent, on the average, to place the
task properly on the agenda, to assign it a meaningful numeric priority value. 
So "action time" is roughly one order of magnitude larger than "deciding time". $

One question that  must be answered is: What percentage of AM's legal
moves  (at  any  typical  moment)  would  be  considered  intelligent
choices, and what  percentage would be irrational?   The answer comes
from empirical results.  The percentages vary wildly depending on the
previous few tasks.  Sometimes, AM will be obviously  "in the middle"
of a sequence of tasks, and  only one or two of the legal tasks would
seem plausible.  Other times, AM has just completed an  investigation
by running  into dead-ends,  and there  may be  hundreds of tasks  it
could  choose and not be  criticized.  The median  case would perhaps
permit about 6 of the legal tasks to be judged reasonable.

It is important  for AM  to locate one  of these  currently-plausible
tasks,  but it's  not  worth  spending much  time  deciding which  of
⊗4them⊗* to  work on next.  AM still faces a huge search: find one of
the 6 winners out of a few thousand candidates.

Its choice of tasks is made even more important  due to the 10-second
"cycle time"  -- the time to  investigate/execute one task.   A human
user is watching, and ten seconds  is a nontrivial amount of time  to
him.  He can therefore observe, perceive,  and analyze each and every
task that  AM selects.  Even just a  few bizarre choices will greatly
lower his opinion of AM's intelligence.  The trace of AM's actions is
what counts,  not its final  results.  So AM  can't draw much  of its
apparent intelligence from the ⊗4speed⊗* of the computer.

Chess-playing programs  have had to face the dilemma of the trade-off
between  "intelligence" (foresight,  inference,  processing,...)  and
total  number   of  board  situations   examined.    In   chess,  the
characteristics of current-day  machines, language power ⊗4vs.⊗* speed,
and (to some extent) the limitations of our understanding of how to be
have  to date  unfortunately
still favored fast,  nearly-blind$$ i.e., using a very  simple static
evaluation  function.  $  search.   Although machine speed and LISP slowness
may allow
blind search to win over symbolic inference for ⊗4shallow⊗* searches,
it can't  provide any  more than  a constant  speed-up factor  for an
exponential search. Inference is slowly gaining on brute force,$$ E.g., 
see [Berliner 74]. There, searching is used mainly to verify plausible
moves (a convergent process), 
not to discover them (a bushier search).$ and must someday triumph.

Since  the number  of "legal moves"  for AM at  any moment  is in the
thousands, it  is unrealistic  to  consider "systematically"$$  e.g.,
exhaustively, or  using αααβ minimaxing, etc.   $ walking through the
entire space that AM can reach.  In AM's problem domain, there is  so
much "freedom" that  symbolic inference finally ⊗4can⊗* win  over the
"simple  but  fast"  exploration  strategy$$  This  is  the  author's
opinion, partially  supported  by the  results  of  AM.   Paul  Cohen
disagrees,  feeling  that machine  speed  should  be  the key  to  an
automated mathematician's success. $.

.SSEC(Constraining AM's Search)


There exist too many combinations to consider all combinations of existing entities;
the creative mind must only ↓_propose_↓ those of potential interest.

-- Poincare'


A  great deal  of  heuristic  knowledge  is required  to 
constrain the   necessary processing effectively, to zero in on a good task 
to tackle
next.  This is done in two stages.


λλ A list of plausible facet/concept pairs is maintained. Nothing can
get onto  this list unless there  is some reason why  filling in (or checking) that
facet of that concept would be worthwhile.

λλ  All the  plausible tasks  on this  "job list"  are ranked  by the
number and strength of  the different reasons supporting them.   Thus
the facet/concept  pairs near the  top of the  list will all  be very
promising tasks to work on.


The first of these constraints is akin to replacing a ⊗4legal⊗*  move
generator by  a ⊗4plausible⊗*  move generator.   The  second kind  of
constraint is akin to using a heuristic evaluation function to select
the best move from among the plausible ones.$$
Past AI programs (e.g., [Samuel 67]) have indicated that
constraining generation (1) is more important than sophisticated
ordering of the resultant candidates (2).
This was confirmed by the experiments performed on AM. $

The job-list or ⊗4agenda⊗* is a data structure which is a natural way
to store the  results of these procedures.   It is (1) a  list of all
the  plausible tasks which  have been  generated, and (2)  it is kept
ordered by the  numeric estimate  of how worthwhile  each task is.  A
typical entry on the agenda might look like this:

.WBOX(10,22) ; TABS 12,50  TURN ON "\"
MBOX      Fill in  the  EXAMPLES  facet of the  PRIMES  concept $
MBOX				⊗8}⊗* $
MBOX				⊗8}⊗* $
MBOX				⊗8}⊗*   ⊗4Reasons for filling in this facet⊗* $
MBOX				⊗8}⊗* $
MBOX				⊗8↓⊗* $
MBOX \⊗8⊂∞α→\⊃ $
MBOX \⊗8}⊗6 1. No examples of primes are known so far. \⊗8}⊗* $
MBOX \⊗8}⊗6 2. Focus of attention: AM just defined Primes. \⊗8}⊗* $
⊗8}\%∞α→\$∞ →}
MBOX				⊗8}⊗* $
MBOX				⊗8}⊗* $
MBOX				⊗8}⊗*   ⊗4Overall value of these reasons⊗* $
MBOX				⊗8}⊗* $
MBOX				⊗8↓⊗* $
MBOX			       ⊗2250⊗* $

.COMMENT The funny line above is due to the fact that the MBOX separator is $ ;

.if false then start;
The actual  top-level control structure  is simply  to pluck the  top
task  from  the   agenda  and  execute  it.    That  is,  select  the
facet/concept pair  having the best  supporting reasons,  and try  to
fill in that facet of that concept.


While the  top  task is  being executed,  some  new tasks  might  get
proposed and  merged into the agenda.  Also,  some new concepts might
get created, and this, too, would generate a flurry of new tasks.

After  AM stops  filling in  entries for  the facet  specified in the
chosen  task, it removes that  task from the agenda,  and moves on to
work on whichever task is the highest-rated at that time.


The reader probably has a dozen good
questions in mind
at this point (e.g., How do  the reasons get rated?, How do the  tasks
get proposed?, What  happens after a task is selected?,...).   The next
section  should answer most  of these. Some more  judgmental ones (How
dare you propose a numeric calculus of plausible reasoning?!   If you
slightly  de-tune all  those numbers,  does the  system's performance
fall apart?...) will be answered in Chapter {[2] EVALU}.

.SSEC(The Agenda)


Creative energy is used mainly to ask the right question.

-- Halmos


. SSSEC(Why an Agenda?)


This subsection provides motivation for the following one, by arguing
that  a job-list scheme is  a natural mechanism to  use to manage the
task-selection problem AM faces. 
.if false then start;
If that seems obvious to you, feel free to skip ahead to section

Recall  that AM must zero in on  one
of the best  few tasks to perform next, and  it repeatedly makes this
choice.   At each moment,  there might be  thousands of directions to
explore (plausible tasks to consider).

If all the legal tasks were written out, and  reasons were thought up
to support each one, then perhaps we could order them by the strength
of those reasons, and  thereby settle on the  "best" task to work  on
next.   In  order to  appear "smart"  to  the human  user, AM  should
⊗4never⊗* execute a task having no reasons attached.


Some  magical function  will be  assumed to  exist, which  provides a
numeric rating, a priority value,  for any given task.  The  function
looks  at a  given facet/concept  pair, examines  all the  associated
reasons supporting that task, and computes an estimate of how worthwhile it would be
for AM to spend some time now working on that facet of that concept.

So AM will maintain a list of those legal tasks  which have some good
reasons  tacked onto  them,  which justify  why each  task  should be
executed, why it is plausible.  At least implicitly, AM has a numeric
rating for each task. 
.if false then start;
The obvious control  algorithm is to choose the
task with the highest rating, and work on that one next.

Assuming  the tasks  on this  list are kept  ordered by  this numeric
rating, then  AM  can just  repeatedly  pluck  the highest  task  and
execute it.  While it's executing,  some new tasks might get proposed
and  added to the  list of tasks.  Reasons are kept  tacked onto each
task on  this  list, and  form  the basis  for the  numeric  priority

Give or take  a few features, this notion of  a "job-list" is the one
which AM  uses. It  is  also called  an ⊗4agenda⊗*.$$  Borrowed  from
Kaplan's term for the job-list present in  KRL (see
[Bobrow & Winograd 77]).
For an earlier general discussion of agendas, see [Knuth 68]. $
"A task on the  agenda" is the same as "a job on the job-list" is the
same as "a facet/concept pair which has been proposed" is the same as
"an  active node  in the  search space".   Henceforth,  I'll use  the
following  all interchangeably:  task, facet/concept  pair, node, 
job.$$  Each of these terms  will conjure up a
slightly different image: a "job" is something to do, a "node" is  an
item in  a  search space,  "facet/concept pair"  reminds  you of  the
format of a task. $.
.if false then start;

The flavor of agenda-list used here is similar to the control structure of
HEARSAY-II [Lesser/Fennell/Erman/Reddy 75]. Vast numbers of tasks are proposed and added
to the job-list. Occasionally, when some new data arrives, 
some task is repositioned.

. SSSEC(Details of the Agenda scheme)





At each moment, AM has many plausible tasks  (hundreds or even thousands) which
have  been  suggested for  some  good reason or  other,  but  haven't been
carried out yet.  Each task is  at the level of working on a  certain
facet of a certain concept: filling  it in, checking it, etc.  Recall
that  each task also  has tacked onto  it a list  of symbolic reasons
explaining why the task is worth doing.



In addition,  a  number (between  0  and 1000)  is attached ⊗4to each
reason⊗*, representing some  absolute  measure of  the  value of  that
reason (at the moment). 
 One  global formula$$ Here is that  formula:
{TURN ON  "↑↓" }
Worth(J) =  ||SQRT(SUM R↓i↑2)||  x α[ 0.2xWorth(A)  +
0.3xWorth(F)  + 0.5xWorth(C)α],  where J =  job to  be judged =  (Act A,
Facet F,  Concept  C),  and α{R↓iα}  are  the ratings  of  the  reasons
supporting J.   For  the sample  job pictured  in the  box below, A=Fillin,
F=Examples,  C=Sets, α{R↓iα}=α{100,100,200α}. The formula will be repeated --
and explained -- in Section {[2]HEURS}.{[2]FORMULASSEC},  on
{[2]FORMULA}. $  combines all the reasons' values  into a single priority
value for the task as a whole.
This overall rating is taken to indicate how worthwhile it would be for
AM to bother executing that task, how interesting the task 
would probably turn out to be.
The "intelligence" of AM's selection of task is thus seen
to depend on this one formula.
Yet experiments
that its precise form is not important. We conclude
that  the  "intelligence"  has  been  pushed  down  into the  careful
assigning of reasons (and ⊗4their⊗* values) for each proposed task.

.COMMENT Beware of the braces in the last para.;


A typical entry on the agenda might look like this:

MBOX TASK: Fill-in examples of Sets $
MBOX		100: No known examples for Sets so far. $
MBOX		100: Failed to fillin examples of Set-union, for lack of examples of Sets $
MBOX 		200: Focus of attention: AM recently worked on the concept of Set-union $

Notice the similarity of this to the initial few lines which AM types
just after it selects a job to work on.

The priority value of a task serves a dual purpose:  First, it
is used to determine which task on the agenda is the most promising
one to work on next.  Second, once a task has been chosen, that
priority value 
then is used as an estimate of how  much time and space it deserves. The
sample task above might rate 20 cpu seconds, and 200 list cells. When
either of these resources is used up, AM terminates work on the
task, and  proceeds to pick  a new  one.  
These two limits will be referred to in the sequel as "⊗4time/space quanta⊗*"
which are allocated to the chosen task.
Whenever several techniques exist for satisfying some task, the remaining
time/space quanta are divided evenly among those alternatives; i.e., each
method is tried for a small time. This policy of parceling out time and space quanta is
called "activation energy" in [Hewitt 76] and called
"resource-limited processes" in [Norman & Bobrow 75].
In  the case of  filling in
examples of sets, the space quantum (200 cells) will be used up quickly
(long before the 20 seconds expire).

There are two big questions now:


λλ Exactly how is a task proposed and ranked?

.INDENT 18,0,0

How is a plausible new task first formulated?

How do the supporting reasons for the task get assigned?

How does each reason get assigned an absolute numeric rating?

Does a task's priority value change? When and how?


λλ How does AM execute a task, once it's chosen?

Exactly what can be done during a task's execution?



The next chapter will deal with both of these questions.